Advantages of Awake Liposuction With the ALC Method
"Welcome to Awake Lipo Centers, the home of advanced body sculpting, where we've perfected the art of body contouring without general anesthesia. We provide a painless surgical experience where you stay awake and in control. Our standard is exceptional results and swift recovery times at an affordable price point. If this resonates with you, I invite you to book a consultation today. Experience how our unique Mirror Test guides you in achieving your aesthetic ambitions.
I look forward to embarking on this transformative journey with you." Dr. Moein
Real People, Real Results
This actual patient had awake liposuction and is thrilled with her results!

Here Are Six Great Reasons To Go The Awake Lipo Way!

Remain Awake at ALL Times
- Avoid General Anesthesia
- The Laughing Gas Difference
- Enjoy Safer Surgery

Ensuring Your Satisfaction
- Communicate Your Goals
- See Your Results In Real Time
- Learn About The Mirror Test

Painless Surgical Experience
- Topical Skin Cooling
- Proprietary Numbing Solution
- Advanced Infiltration Technique

Quicker Recovery
- Immediate Results
- No Down Time
- Back to Work in One Day

Affordable Pricing
- AVOID Anesthesia & OR Fees
- Personalize Your Plan – Pay Per Area
- Convenient Monthly Payments

Exceptional Results
- Superior VASER Lipo Fat Removal
- Scarless Renuvion Skin Tightening
- Natural Shadows And Muscle Highlights
The ALC Method Beats Them All!

Why The ALC Method Provides A Safer Surgical Experience
Awake Liposuction provides the unique opportunity to remove unwanted fat without general anesthesia. Anesthesia is very safe for a majority of people. However, it can take a toll on your body if you have an underlying medical condition such as COPD or asthma. It can also be a concern to older patients.
General anesthesia is predicated on an anesthesiologist taking control of your breathing by intubating you with a tube.
A final advantage of avoiding general anesthesia is eliminating the risk of developing a blood clot that occurs only when unconscious.
Why Awake Liposuction Provides A Quicker Recovery
You avoid nausea and grogginess associated with surgery done with general anesthesia. During Awake Liposuction, you feel pressure but not discomfort because suctioning areas will be injected with a numbing solution.
Since you are awake, you can communicate to your surgeon if you feel discomfort so they can add more numbing solutions. Continued feedback with your surgeon also helps to reduce avoidable irritation to nerves and blood vessels.
The net effect is less bruising, swelling, and discomfort after surgery. These benefits result in an earlier return to your daily routine.
Why Awake Liposuction Provides Affordable Pricing
Awake Liposuction is more affordable because it avoids many operating room fees. These include the services of an anesthesiologist, multiple surgical assistants, and additional medical supplies and medications.
Also, you don't need to complete preoperative clearance with your doctor and do laboratory testing, which is necessary for general anesthesia cases.
The Mirror Test Revealed!
Imagine if you could be in charge
of your surgical results.
The "Mirror Test" is used in the
ALC Method allows you to judge your
results in real-time while your
procedure is happening.
During our awake liposuction,
you can approve your new look
and make changes on the spot.

Excellent Results With Awake Liposuction - See How We Do It

Awake liposuction has historically been reserved for body contouring patients desiring only a modest reduction in fat pockets. As such, awake liposuction cases have involved conservative treatment of only localized or a few areas at a time. Liposuction modalities used for awake surgery have included:
- Tumescent liposuction (traditional)
- Power-assisted liposuction (PALS)
- Laser liposuction (Sonobello or Airsculpt)
Patients don’t know that these awake lipo modalities effectively remove fat only from the middle part of the fat layer. This fat compartment is the most generous of the three fat layers, which include:
- Superficial
- Middle
- Deep
The removal of fat from this middle compartment has been tolerated under local anesthetic because this layer of fat possesses a low density of pain fibers. Unfortunately, when fat removal is limited to the middle layer, it fails to attain high-definition results.
What Are ALC High-Definition Results?
High-definition results allow for the creation of dramatic yet natural body contours. Recent advances in liposuction techniques using VASER technology have allowed specially trained surgeons to achieve incredible outcomes. High-definition results describe body contour outcomes following high-definition liposuction. High-definition liposuction requires a methodology that removes fat from all three compartments of the fat layer.
Only by removing fat from all three compartments is it possible to create more refined body contouring outcomes. In other words, superior high-definition outcomes are predicated on removing fat from the middle, superficial, and deep layers. In this manner, it is feasible to create natural shadows and unveil muscle highlights not previously possible with traditional liposuction techniques.
This limitation of traditional liposuction techniques to access the superficial and deep layers is twofold:
- Traditional and laser liposuction techniques provide suboptimal access to these layers.
- Access to these layers has been associated with significant discomfort with awake lipo due to the higher density of nerve fibers.
You can see how high-definition liposuction would produce jaw-dropping results and true body contouring.

Advancement of Awake Liposuction Protocols Which Allow For High-Definition Liposuction

We proudly announce several advancements in awake liposuction protocols allowing high-definition results. Until recently, high-definition liposuction was reserved for the surgical suite, where general anesthesia could be administered to ensure that you were completely asleep.
Traditional and laser liposuction have been popularized as procedures that can be performed while awake under local anesthesia. Advanced surgical tools and protocol modifications have been developed to achieve high-definition results with awake liposuction.
Pain fibers are triggered by manipulating small spherical organelles, called corpuscles, that are highest in density directly underneath the skin in the superficial fat compartment and overlying the muscle lining in the deep fat compartment.
Since high-definition results are predicated on removing fat from both compartments, high-definition liposuction could not be performed under local anesthesia. However, several advancements in surgical tools and protocols have made high-definition liposuction a reality of awake lipo:
- The first is the advent of VASER liposuction to remove fat from all three layers.
- The second is the development of a non-excisional skin tightening tool called the Renuvion J plasma.
- Another important advancement to local anesthesia is the addition of modified laughing gas (nitrous oxide) administration methods.
- A final advancement includes modification of the infiltration tumescent solution infiltration.
About Dr. Moein
Meet Dr. Babak Moeinolmolki, MD, FACS, affectionately known by patients as Dr. Moein. He is a unique talent in Southern California, being a cosmetic surgeon trained in aesthetic and minimally invasive body contouring. His combined expertise provides unrivaled insight into patient assessment and personalized surgical planning.
Dr. Moein utilizes minimally invasive techniques to fulfill your cosmetic dreams, balancing immediate desires with long-term aesthetic maintenance. Born and raised in Los Angeles, he graduated from UCLA with a deep understanding of minimally invasive surgery. This knowledge led him to perform over 2000 procedures at Greater Baltimore Medical Center, building a comprehensive understanding of post-weight loss cosmetic needs.
His passion for aesthetic harmony guided him to a second fellowship in cosmetic surgery under the mentorship of the globally recognized surgeon, Dr. Angelo Cuzalina. Dr. Moein performed over 1400 advanced cosmetic surgeries, crafting his unique skill set that blends artistic vision with surgical precision.
As a natural artist and seasoned photographer, Dr. Moein has a keen eye for beauty and proportions. His patient-centric philosophy prioritizes understanding your needs and balancing safety and cosmetic goals perfectly. With his vast qualifications, Dr. Moein offers an unmatched level of cosmetic expertise, ensuring extraordinary aesthetic results through his compassionate and skillful care.